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DAoC-Charplan Details

The character development behaves nearly the same as on Catacombs CB.
That is, you selects a realm, a class and possibly a race.
Places the desired level and if you want the realm rank.
On the 3 mainpages you can setup:

  • basic-stats (str,dex,....)
  • skill (Specialization within the different lines)
  • Realm Abilities

For assistance 3 other pages will show you (in each case depending on the settings)

  • List of Spells (incl. info)
  • List of Styles (incl. info and follow-styl-tree)
  • List of Masterlevels
  • List of Championlevels

Is there something I need to know?
Like I said: if you now Catacombs CB or any RA-Planer then you don't need any manual.

Only the 'carrer-mode' needs some explanation.

In carrer-mode you are able to set the skilling FOR EACH level (5-50).
The program computed, for not defined level, a possible Skillung out. This computation is based only on the manually stored values.
(Manually adjusted values are shown in different colors)
With the 'Snap' Button you take the current level-values as manual setted values. The 'del' Button removes manual setted values and re-calculates them.

This way you can, for example, set you target level 50 skill and then descent to the BG's an plan what's possible there.

How good is the database?
I can't 100% garanty that all data is correct, but that's the same as all other sides - the Camelot-Herald itself has some wrong and missing data ;)
In all conscience I'll take data from well-known sources (Camelot-Herald, Catacombs, 4Players, myself and bug-reports).